My guest this week is Dave Infante, a reporter in Charleston, South Carolina, who recently wrote a piece for Mel Magazine about the curious intersection of White Claw drinking culture and the right-wing militant boogaloo movement. If that sounds bewildering and niche, then strap in.
You might want to hear more from Dave after listening to this episode, in which case I recommend you sign up for Dave's newsletter at fingers.substack.com.
This is a condensed version of Episode 6. Paying subscribers to the Brutal South newsletter get access to the full uncut interview and other subscriber-only content going forward. Hit the Subscribe Now button below to sign up for $5 a month, or click here to read a quick Q&A about how Substack subscriptions work.
The image at the top is Wagtail and Hibiscus (c. 1747 - 1797) by Kano Toshun.
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