That Studs Terkel book was transformational for me too. Great questions you’re posing here. Makes me reflect on the way the entire anti-democratic project in this country is framed as “anti-woke.” The last thing some people seem to want is thoughtful self aware *awakened* citizens, because what happens when they start calling out the status quo? What happens when people realize the impossibility of the dreams they’re being sold and the erosion of their present capabilities/capture of their future by corporate and other more nefarious interests (Shiny Happy People, line up over here)? They’re going to ask for MORE. More life, more liberty, more pursuit of happiness...

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The whole AI conversation has me needing to reread Bullshit Jobs. Along with the absolute absurdity of family leave policies in the U.S. No one is getting things done five days (or six weeks) after their own baby is born. It's all about control.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Paul Bowers

Hit the zeitgeist on the nose again Paul. Feeling the same way about working, and about the potential for another job change right now.

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I look forward to hearing your take on the bill to suspend a teacher's certificate if that educator does not fulfill the contract. Educators would only be allowed an 11 day window to make that decision. I guess forced birth laws game them the idea for forced teaching as well.

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