Sorry about the loss of your church. Since my early twenties, I drifted away from my church. Not so much out of theological issues, but a lack of faith on my part. I didn't miss it at the time, but I do miss the hymns and ritual around Christmas, and do find myself wishing I had a more spiritual side now as I approach 40. But it just doesn't seem to be there. No easy answers for this kind of thing. I've enjoyed your writing this year, Merry Christmas.
Sorry about the loss of your church. Since my early twenties, I drifted away from my church. Not so much out of theological issues, but a lack of faith on my part. I didn't miss it at the time, but I do miss the hymns and ritual around Christmas, and do find myself wishing I had a more spiritual side now as I approach 40. But it just doesn't seem to be there. No easy answers for this kind of thing. I've enjoyed your writing this year, Merry Christmas.
Circular is the church you're describing - LGBTQ affirming, justice oriented, family friendly. Did you visit it and find it lacking?
We should visit, and probably will. I have a lot of respect for Pastor Jeremy there.